Sunday, April 1, 2012

It's April

I feel like I've been a funk for a while now.... not sad... definitely not sad... but this whole flu has thrown me off. Life has been off. Every once in a while I want to throw my arms up in a boogie... singing and dancing loudly... and then the rest of the time, I just want to curl up on the couch and sleep... which I do. M naps with her feet high on my body and face... and I nap.
I'm not used to being this tired. I want to wake up after a night of rest, ready to go, like I was two weeks ago. I want to get up, throw on some clothes, start my day, and go go go. I'm starting to question if it's still the flu messing with me (I've heard it is) or if I need to make a change. I rarely eat sweets... but when my sweet tooth kicks in... oh boy, does it kick in and I grow tired. Sugar makes me tired and it's currently in an upswing. (Give me chocolate.) I question, do I need to cut out sugar again? Or should I start drinking caffeine again? Is it more of my hormones acting up and regulating? Am I lacking a vitamin or something of nutritional value? Probably not-- but you never know--- I really don't know.
It's midnight. I'm drinking wine. "Wedding wine"--- yes... "wedding wine". You know.. that thing that was supposed to be taking place soon, very soon?  Fourteen days until my would have been wedding. Yeah, that. And surprisingly... I'm not sad... or upset... or anything about it. It's just "wedding wine".... bottles and bottles of wine that were ordered for a wedding that was supposed to take place. It's not taking place... and I'm not sad. I'm not indifferent... I have emotions, thoughts, and feelings-- much like anyone would have... but I'm not sad. Thats okay, right? I think that may be more than okay.
It's April. A month for celebration. Whether it's getting married---- or not getting married--- unexpected twists and turns... celebrating the weather--- or just being happy--  It's April and I'm looking forward to this month.

If you haven't already, I recommend checking out the buttons/links to the right ----> We've got some great sponsors.... and a few more discount codes up. We'll have a few more giveaways this month. At least one, probably two. Check out the links, use the codes, spend some time getting to know our sponsors.

And happy April, everyone. Enjoy every second of it... after all it is the only April you will have this year ;)

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