Hey guys! Happy almost end of the month! Like always, we've got a great line up of blogs and shops for you to check out! Give them extra love.
ps. Discount ends tomorrow so make sure you get your orders in! Receive an additional 10% your order at Up a Tree Cup a Tea by using code: "WINTER10"
ps. Discount ends tomorrow so make sure you get your orders in! Receive an additional 10% your order at Up a Tree Cup a Tea by using code: "WINTER10"
Yes, I chose a picture of heart shaped pancakes to introduce you to Brooke's The Vintage Souls blog. I would love more than anything for Brooke to come to my home, make me pancakes, and share her thoughts, ideas, and words of wisdom. Be sure to check out Brookes: blog, vintage shop, and follow her on twitter too!
My Remedy shop! Eco-friendly clothing, handcrafted jewelry, and custom design! Be sure to check out the blog, their facebook, and the twitter too!
Dear Little Lady blog brought to you by Nicolle. I feel like I've written about her a lot lately, but she totally deserves it. So much so that I'm gonna tell you to go check out this working, breastfeeding, babywearing mama's blog and maybe even send her a vote on topbabyblogs too? ;)
Katie: beautiful mama and soul. Blogger, artist, vintage shop owner, and free thinker. Ever feel like you're lacking imagination in your life? Just check out Desert Gypsy Mama to be inspired. Even simple posts like these are good for the content soul.
Find all your stationary needs +more at Fabulous Stationary! They even offer organic/recycled options for the earth-friendly types :) Business cards galore! And best of all: the dollar section! You can't beat that :)
A shop of cute goods made from repurposed and vintage materials. We've got a fair share of Up A Tree Cup Of Tea items around here.... our personal favorites and *must haves* are: itty bitty hair clips, alexandra fabric rosettes, each and every one of the fabric circle scarves, especially this one.
Use code "ohdear" at checkout for free domestic shipping!
A blog with real family love and heart. Be sure to follow along with Olivia's family blog, for a glimpse into a home filled with amazing people.
That image alone should make you want to check out This Little Blog of mine^^. Vegan family blog ran by an amazing photographer. Want to drool over food? Check out THIS post. Be sure to check out her photography site and facebook ;)
Blog of Tiffanie. A mom, architect, artist, and someone I've shared secrets with. Be sure to explore her creative work and see the rest of her blog for even more goodness.
A Sprouting Acorn Blog, brought to you to you by two mothers (and best friends): Michelle and Andrea. Great for inspiration from two different mama's living on opposite sides of the country. RECIPES, diy's, and earth friendly tips and toys :)
Breast-feeding based mama blog, with great tips, tricks, and resources for nursing moms. Maryam is a super ma and super babe. being awesomely pregnant in Hawaii, eating tropical fruit and coconut pancakes like it's her job. Find Milk Friendly on twitter and facebook too.
ps! She just announced the sex of the little baby she's got brewing in her body! Girl or boy?!
Organic, earth friendly, adorable clothing for kiddos and babies. We love EVERYTHING about Barley & Birch and promise you will too.
Use code "ohdear" at checkout for an additional 20% off!
And don't forget to donate to the Ride For Kids and enter the giveaway too! Even if you haven't personally been affected by loved ones fighting through brain cancer, I'm sure we can all imagine how truly difficult and sad it must be for the child and their families involved. I know I could never ever imagine watching my own child suffering. Please donate to the kids and families in need.... because even 5$ helps. You know, one drink at starbucks, a quarter of a lunch out, five things at the dollar bin at Target, that extra beer at the bar... maybe just skip that little extra thing one time and give it to a really good cause?
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