Sunday, February 26, 2012

Help Support The Ride For Kids! {GIVEAWAY}

How about a little incentive to get more donations to a good cause... because sometimes if you give a little, you get a little (or a lot), right? Right. Well, I figured we should set up a little thing where each five dollars you donate to the ride for kids/pediatric brain tumor foundation (read more info HERE) gets you one entry to win this really spectacular giveaway worth over 200$

That's right: It's giveaway time ;)

The winner of this giveaway will receive three organic shirts of their choice from Barley and Birch, two organic, handprinted shirts from Eric's new soon-to-be (nameless) shop (he owns this pretty awesome printshop where him and his partner create some really amazing designs and shirts), the itty bitty clip set and a headband from Up a Tree Cup a Tea, and a free month (or two) sponsorship space on this blog here (you know, ohdeardrea)!

As mentioned, each five dollars you donate to The Ride For Kids gets you one chance to win. All you have to do is go to the donate page, decide your amount, and make your donation. Then come back here and leave ONE comment for EACH five dollars you donate. Makes sense, right? Lets say you donate five dollars, then you leave one comment. If you donate fifteen dollars, then you come back and leave three separate comments. Fifty dollars? Ten separate comments for ten chances to win! Easy enough, right? Just be sure you leave your name and email address with your comment(s). This way, not only can I reach you, but I can also link your donation and your comment to keep things fair.

End Date:
This charity giveaway will be open until the day of the actual ride (second week of April). That's a long time right? Well, I want to be sure to collect as much as possible since this is such a really important cause. A lot of us are moms here and most of us are lucky enough to never have to experience anything even half as scary as watching our child suffer through a brain tumor, but unfortunately, there are many moms/families out there who aren't so lucky... and that donation, however big or small it may be, can really affect their life in a positive way. So let's help out, donate, and possibly win some really awesome stuff, okay?

More Info:
You can read more about The Ride For Kids HERE.
100% of the proceeds for The Ride For Kids goes to The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation.

A Big Thank You To:
Barley & Birch
ID Ink
Up A Tree Cup a Tea

If you have any more questions or want to help out in anyway just send an email my way:

**forgive me if this doesn't make a lot of sense. It's been a looong (but good) weekend. It was street painting festival weekend here which means my front yard turns into a massive valet parking zone and the streets get covered with people and chalk. You can see pictures from last year HERE and HERE. Anyway, thanks for your support and don't forget to share the word! There may or may not (may may may) be more prizes added the more people donate. ;)

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