Sunday, March 11, 2012

I'm 27 Today.

(the midnight hour that became my birthday)

In the past 27 years, I've learned a lot. I've battled many of my own demons. I overcame hard times. I've achieved many things. I've lived and experienced. I've had some losses, but I've gained so much more. I've made friends. And I've lost friends. I've reconnected. And I've grown closer. I've made enemies, and have been lucky enough to gather many more people, who I not only love, but love me in return. I gave to many, and have been given so much more. I'm not perfect and I never will be, but I love myself for who I am, the woman I've grown to be, and the woman I'm becoming with each passing day. Not everyone loves me, and thats okay, not everyone has to. Some will judge, assume, and disdain, without ever really knowing me for who am. And maybe, some will know me not only on the surface, but inside-out, and still never like me, but that will have to be okay. I am living for myself, my daughter, my friends, my family, my loved ones, for everyone I've ever cared about. I am happy, really, truly happy. The negatives around me are minimal, petty, and easily combed over and picked through. Whats leftover is something to smile about. I'm 27 today and I can say, for the first time ever: I am the happiest I have ever been. I'm looking forward to this year, and every year after that.

Today someone searched: "make the most out of life" and found me. This puts a smile on my face and and brings me joy. 

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