(my dad and little brother, christopher, a few years ago)
Well, my dad and his motorcycle team? gang? group? club? Um, team... (besides my love for motorcycle boots, I obviously do not fit into this world) The Southern Cruisers, are taking part in The South Florida Ride For Kids. The Ride For Kids, is like any other great charity event... like a "Walk For..." or a race of some sort but with HUNDREDS (or thousands?) of motorcycles parading down the street. I'm really proud of my dad and the efforts he puts in to this cause. I know him, and his team, donate A LOT of money and time. This year, with the help of the internet (you guys), I'm trying to help out and raise as much money as I can to also help donate and support this event.
So what exactly is The Ride For Kids and where does the money go to? Well, The Ride For Kids supports The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to The PBTF, to aid in medical research, to find a cause and cure for brain tumors, to help families affected, and even, for college scholarships of brain tumor survivors. Yeah, it's a pretty good cause.
I would love (so so much) if you could take a second and spare any amount, even five dollars, to donate to the Ride For Kids. It would mean so much to me, my dad's team, and most importantly: children, families, and survivors, of brain tumors.
For whatever reason, the widget wont work on this post.... but you can find a donate widget on the top right side of my blog, up until the day of the event, to donate there. Or CLICK HERE to find the donate page :)
And of course, here's a video if you'd like to learn even more about the event and program:
Thank you guys. Every little bit helps, please donate, and share.
Happy Friday :)
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