Monday, May 17, 2010

meet Ginger!

Yep, it's been a long time coming. I've been puppy crazy for over a year now but it all started about a month ago when I saw this Apple iPhone commercial. I downloaded the petfinder app and the first time I used it I saw one of Ginger's siblings. I hurried home to fill out my application and later that week I learned from the rescue that I was approved and could come see them.

Ginger is the runt of the litter and so sweet. Last night was a little rough for the both of us {as to be expected}. It was her first night away from her mom and siblings and she's still getting used to the crate. The crying, whimpering, howling, and barking got to me a little. But I stood strong, refused to bring her in the bed and eventually she tired herself out. I am so exhausted today because I don't think I fully fell asleep last night and then I woke up early this morning to take her out and she wouldn't get back to bed. I can only imagine how tough a baby would be. But on the upside babies can't walk and you don't need to worry about potty training right away! I know it's going to be a lot of work but I'm excited. It's the perfect time since I'm not really working and can spend lots of time with her. I'll take some cuter pictures of her this week I just wanted to share the news and introduce her to everyone!

Also, anyone with puppy tips {housebreaking, crate or obedience trainings} please share! I've been reading lots of books but the more knowledge the better! xox


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